Bartica participates in its 2nd LGE as a township

It was just two years ago when Bartica in Region Seven was declared a town and saw residents participating in their first Local Government Elections (LGE). Today, the polls opened once again and Baritcians cast
their ballots in their second LGE.
Scores of residents turned out to execute their constitutional right to vote in order to ensure the development of their township continues.
Early voters at Bartica East; Central Constituency Three queued in their numbers at the Hill View Nursery School just before the opening of polls to cast their ballots
The first voter in line, Linden Jones, told the Department of Public Information (DPI), “it is a significant day and I am first up to exercise my democratic right. I am thankful for life and moreover the pathway along which this country is heading.”

Another resident, Alma Fortune said: “I think it is right that we should vote because we need someone to guide us in the direction that we have to go.
Basil Fernandes also of Constituency Three said: “I was born here and I want to see Bartica continue to develop and I am voting for the betterment of this community.”
Today marks the first time in the Post-Independence history of Guyana, that successive Local Government Elections (LGE) is being held as legally and constitutionally due. A total of 80 Local Authority Areas consisting of 595 constituencies are contesting the LGE through a mixed electoral system of proportional representation and first past the post.
Source: DPI