100+ benefit from Bartica mining lottery
The third mining lottery by the government, through the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has resulted in more than one hundred persons being awarded blocks of mining lands.
One hundred and thirty-six blocks of mining land were available for allocations at the mining lottery held in Bartica, Cuyuni-Mazaruni (Region 7) on Friday. They were distributed in two phases; one phase dealt with persons who registered for lands in Bartica and the other with those who made applications at the Georgetown office.
Twenty-two-year-old Whitney Robertson was one among of the scores of people who benefitted from the lottery. Robertson, who hails from the West Bank of Demerara travelled to the mining town to participate in the mining lottery after she made an application for a mining block. The visibly excited young lady told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the opportunity highlights the government’s efforts to engage youths.
Bartica resident, Shaundel Joseph Leslie Sampson of Karrow Stephan White, Georgetown resident Whitney Robertson, Georgetown resident
“I feel that there is a purpose here now for youths because we are being more encouraged to do stuff,” Robertson expressed.
Stephan White who also travelled from Georgetown expressed his elation having received his plot of land. “I feel wonderful because it is the first time, I have had something so extravagant done for me,” he remarked.
Having been involved in the mining sector for a number of years, Leslie Sampson of Karrow, is finally able to own his own land. Speaking to DPI, he disclosed that before he commences work on his plot, it will have to be prospected.
Bartica resident, Shaundel Joseph expressed her gratitude for being allocated the plot.
During brief remarks, Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman told the residents, “we’re here today to try to fulfil a promise that we made to make lands available.”
To ensure that the process is fair and transparent, the boxes were inspected by the auditors in front of the residents present before the lottery began.
Images: Tejpaul Bridgemohan
Source: DPI, Guyana, Friday, June 14, 2019