Work Package 1: Sensitization and Awareness: For the green economy paradigm to be successful in Guyana generally, and Bartica in particular, it is essential that there is buy-in from the various stakeholders. The established fossil fuel driven implements and technologies are well known. The application of renewable and energy efficient technologies are less so. Furthermore, the sensitization and awareness building needs to be encouraged at all levels, from Government Ministries, i.e., Finance, Communities (inclusive of housing and water), Public Infrastructure, Education and Academia, Public Security; to households, all need to be aware of what the development paradigm is. Additionally, Government of Guyana would be important to ensure that the enabling environment is created, whether through tax rebates, concessions or training, to facilitate what would be a transformational shift. The Universities and educational institutions would be critical in ensuring that a cadre of skills is developed to aid with the capacity building that would be vital to sustain this effort. It is therefore within this context that the messages being transmitted would need to be targeted and focused on the particular interest group. Furthermore, it would need to be gender sensitive and contextually relevant for the municipality. And lastly, it would also be important to make the business case in pursuing a green economy development framework versus the traditional fossil fuel driven development. In this way, the rudimentary costs and benefits can be demonstrated and a space created for the involvement of the private sector. The activities that will be undertaken are shown below:

Estimated Costs – US$ 200,000

WP and Task Activities/task Duration (in months)
1 2 3 4 5 6
WP 1  Develop and disseminate content manual for proper and electronic media x x x x x x
  • Television Infomercial
x x x x x
  • News Letters
x x x x x x
  • Social Media
x x
Host stakeholders workshops x x
  • Municipal and Regional and Public Officers
x x
  • Business Community and civil Society
x x
  • School and Religious Groups
x x x x
Conduct community Fora x x x x x


  1. Content manual produced that can be used to effectively communicate details about project including benefits and plans.
  2. Widespread media coverage about the project, using available media of communication achieved.
  3. At least two (2) stakeholders’ workshops completed and community fora held.
  4. Objective feedback and recommendations on the project received.

Work Package 2: Conduct Household Baseline Survey of the Bartica Community: The importance of this study will be to gather baseline socio-economic and energy related information at the household level on the Bartica community, taking a representative sample of approximately 1,500 households. While admittedly the last population census of 2012 should be able to supplement this project, the disaggregated data by community and household level is yet to be released. Additionally, before any intervention is made, it is important to have an appreciation of the design framework, energy consumption levels, type of appliances utilised by households, etc to ensure that the project is likely to indeed have an impact. Failing to do so can result in insufficient capacity being installed. Additionally, the baseline conditions are important to capture to allow for comparability during and after the project to assess outcomes and impacts of the project’s interventions and develop a theory of change model. It is within this broad context that the project will seek to complete the following tasks under this work package.

Estimated Costs – US$90,000

WP and Task Activities/task Duration (in months)
1 2 3 4 5 6
WP 2 Agree on sample, methodology and prepare survey instruments x
Identify and recruit field agents/enumerators and supervisors and conduct training for the project x
Pretest and finalise research instrument x
Coordinate and conduct field activities x x
Organize and analyse data, and establish data management platform x x
Prepare draft report and present findings at Stakeholder Forum x
Finalise draft report and complete data package x


  1. Completed survey instruments
  2. Baseline household data set
  3. Analysis of various aspects of the data
  4. Report on the dynamics of household appliances and energy consumption and use

Work Package 3: Complete an Energy Audit of public institutions, facilities and street lighting in Bartica: The ultimate objective of this project is to begin the process of transforming Bartica into a green economy. To achieve this it is necessary that the Government of Guyana set’s the example. However, before doing so it will be important to conduct an energy audit of buildings and street light necessary to transform the municipality. As such, the following will be undertaken.

Estimated Costs – US$200,000

WP and Task Activities/task Duration (in months)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
WP 3 Identify and compile list of all public targets x
Recruit company to conduct audit x x x
Complete contract negotiation x
Data Collection and Measurement x x x
Data Analyses x x
Presentation of draft and final audit report x


  1. A report that will, at a minimum, contain the following:
  • Analysis of peak power and energy consumption of public institutions, facilities (Guyana Water Inc. pump station) and street lights in Bartica.
  • Analysis (cost and quantity) of fuel Consumption in energy generation
  • Identify renewable energy options for Bartica Municipal Government to reduce energy bill
  • Cost Analysis of transitioning to renewable energy options
  • Energy efficiency plan for public buildings in Bartica and associated cost
  • Emission estimates in current situation versus carbon neutral situation based on proposed renewable energy and efficiency options

Work Package 5: Transportation Sector energy audit: The two (2) main sectors contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Guyana are industry and transportation (SNC, 2015). It is therefore contingent upon the municipality as it aims to pursue the Green Economy paradigm that the focus be on both the built environment and transportation sector. As such, like in WP2, this, the first step to determining targeted interventions is to determine who is doing what, sources of point pollution, type of vehicles, consumption rate of vehicles, etc. As such, a full energy audit will be completed for the municipality, covering the following areas:

Estimated Cost – US$70,000

WP and Task Activities/task Duration (in months)
1 2 3 4 5 6
WP 5 Advertise and recruit energy auditor x x
Identify and compile list of all targets x
Conduct Data Collection and Measurement Exercise x x x
Analyse data collected x
Develop work plan to reduce GHG emissions from the transport sector x
Complete and submit report on findings x


  1. Localized study report on energy use in transport sector
  2. Recommendations on reduction of inefficiencies in this sector in Bartica

Work Package 6: Energy Data Management Center: Once the data from the various audits is captured, it would be necessary to ensure that this information is stored and managed effectively. At the inception, a small energy data management center will be established to ensure that the data is retained and updated going forward. Activities that will be pursued are:

Estimated Cost – US$90,000

WP and Task Activities/task Duration (in months)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
WP 5
Procure data storage, management and tracking technology x x x
Establish Data Center and begin data management x x x x x x x x x


  1. Capacity built for data capture, storage, management and analysis
  2. Data storage, management and tracking technology procured
  3. Energy Data Management Center operationalised
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