Minister Norton conducts walkabout in E’bo and Bartica
Over the past few days, the Minister of Social Cohesion, Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. George Norton interacted with residents of Bartica, Region Seven, as well as villages along the Essequibo Coast, Region Two; including Henrietta and Charity.

During his visit to these areas, the Minister conducted a walkabout exercise to engage residents on matters pertaining to the welfare and development of their respective communities.
For almost every issue he heard, Minister Norton took the time to consult the relevant officials to have each matter addressed.
Many residents used the opportunity to consult the Ophthalmologist on issues pertaining to their health and wellbeing; Dr. Norton was more than happy to oblige.
During the meetings, the Minister reiterated the Government’s commitment to providing a good life for all Guyanese, reminding every person of the role they must play in helping to secure an even brighter future.
“The key to our success as a people is embracing our diversity and standing united,” Minister Norton noted.
He encouraged the residents to do their part in extending love and mutual respect to those around them, despite whatever differences they may have.
“Even if we don’t see eye to eye politically, or we don’t look the same or believe in the same things, we must always remain respectful of each other. That is the only way we can succeed; if we live in love harmony,” Minister Norton noted.
Source: DPI