Food Restaurant Licence
New Fees:
$11,500.00 (Georgetown, inclusive of Industry to Agricola)
$10,000.00 (Out-of-Town)

Estimated Processing Time: 3 hours

Validity Period: 1 Year


  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  3. Valid identification. Passport or National ID
  4. The applicant must have a business registration from deeds registry
  5. Food Handlers Certificate from the Abattoir in respect of at least one of the cooks or a Medical Certificate from a private doctor stating that the cook is free from all communicable diseases.
  6. Approved building plan and letter from the Ministry of Housing
  7. Fire certificate from the Guyana Fire Services
  8. Sanitary certificate



  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Previous year’s licence
  3. Valid identification. Passport or National ID
  4. Business registration from Deeds Registry
  5. Sanitary certificate


  1. Applicant should submit all documents to the Officer.
  2. The applicant will be directed to the lodgement area.
  3. Once all documents are verified, the Officer will direct the applicant to the Cashier to make the required payment.
  4. The applicant will further be directed to the dispatch desk to follow the final necessary procedures and uplift his/her licence.
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