BFA President applauds Mayor& Town Council of Bartica
President of the Bartica Football Association (BFA) Alden Marslowe is applauding the Mayor and Town Council of Bartica for the visionary leadership it has shown by upgrading facilities in the municipality.

Marslowe, who has taken over the reins of football in the association a few months ago stated that with the up-grading of the Bartica Community Center Ground, the standard of the sport will also rise.
“From an association perspective, this is an excellent effort, it was much needed over the years and now that the council has taken this step to correct our facility, it is an excellent job so far and it is looking good. All that is need now is for the natural grass to grow back and we will have a wonderful playing surface, eventually.”
Contractor Ivor Allen was awarded the contract for the up-grading of the ground last November after the Council had encountered challenges with the first contractor. He {Allen} had given a commitment to complete works (filling, compacting and shaping and an underground drainage system) by February month end and that deadline has been achieved.
Marslowe reminisced that Bartica has been known for producing quality and rounded players in the past and one of his tasks as the new head will be to see a return to those glory days noting that with a proper facility would come, improved standards.
“We crave the use of this facility because, as of now we are just using the Bartica Secondary School Ground, but with this new facility we will definitely see a rise in our football standards, we will have the opportunity to play more games especially among our youths and we will see Bartica coming to the head again in the sport.”
The current Regional Information Officer also believes that the fact that the Bartica Community Centre now boasts a brand new building, volleyball and basketball courts, augurs well for the development and empowerment of the youths who would gravitate to those individual sports.
“This level of investment by the Mayor and Town Council bodes well for sports in general in Bartica. Basketball is an emerging sport here and quite recently a team went to Georgetown and brought second in five’s tournament. Volleyball is also on the rise here; stands are very important and the current construction of a second pavilion that would benefit both basketball and football are phenomenal achievements for this town.”
The Community Center building was funded by the Municipality through its subvention, while the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Department of Culture Youth and Sport has funded the courts and the stand as well as the football field.
Table Tennis and other indoor sports would be played in the building while there are also plans to construct a cricket pitch also. Meanwhile, the BFA is scheduled to launch its 2019 season this Saturday.
Source: Kaieteur News